Solo Female Travel in Morocco


Solo Female Travel in Morocco: Tips and Advice to Stay Safe

Embrace the adventure of solo female travel in Morocco with our expert safety tips and advice. Your dream journey awaits!

1. Introduction

Traveling independently as a woman in Morocco is an incredible experience full of vibrant culture, fascinating history, and amazing sights. You can dive into the bustling medinas, learn about Moroccan cuisine, trek the Atlas Mountains, and more.

However, Morocco remains a more traditional, conservative country that requires special considerations for women travelers – particularly when going solo. As a female, you may get extra attention or need to take some safety precautions.

This in-depth guide covers everything you need to know for safe, enjoyable solo travel in Morocco as a woman. We’ll share cultural tips, safety advice, recommended tours, top destinations, and packing recommendations specifically tailored for women.

The key is being respectful of local culture while also using common sense precautions. Booking reputable tours enhances your experience and security. In the end, you’ll see why traveling in Morocco with a company like ours allows us to fully customize your trip to meet your needs as a female traveler. Let us help make your Morocco journey easy and remarkable from start to finish.

2. Know the Cultural Considerations

Morocco is a Muslim country with customs that differ from the West. Being aware of local cultural norms helps you stay respectful and avoid unwanted attention:

Dress Modestly

  • Cover shoulders, knees, and cleavage when in public places.
  • Bring scarves or shawls to use as coverups when needed.
  • Avoid very tight, short or revealing clothing.
  • In mosques, headscarves and conservative outfits are required.

Be Mindful in Public

  • Avoid overt displays of affection or intimacy.
  • Don’t initiate conversation with men you don’t know.
  • Watch your body language like eye contact, smiles etc. Be polite but reserved.
  • Local women rarely go to cafes or restaurants alone.

Understand Differences Between Cities and Rural Areas

  • Big cities like Marrakech are more liberal and used to tourists.
  • Small towns and remote areas tend to be more traditional and conservative.
  • Cover up and take local cues on behavior when outside big cities.

3. Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

While Morocco is relatively safe, it helps to exercise some extra precautions as a woman traveling alone:

  • Use common sense like avoiding deserted areas at night. Stick to well-lit, populated spaces.
  • Research neighborhoods before booking accommodation. Avoid isolated hotels/riads.
  • Only use licensed taxis or car services through an app. Never get into an unmarked cab.
  • Keep valuables concealed. Use a crossbody bag vs backpacks for security.
  • Ask hotel staff or our knowledgeable guides for areas to avoid. They know local safety information.
  • Book reputable tours for peace of mind. Our licensed guides ensure your protection when sightseeing.
  • Remain conservative in dress and demeanor. Don’t draw excessive attention.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Trust your instincts if a place/person seems unsafe.

Taking sensible precautions will allow you to fully immerse yourself while staying alert. Reach out to us to customize a tour enhancing safety.

4. Best Tour Option for Solo Women – Private Tours

Booking a private tour with your own personal licensed guide and driver is by far the best way for solo females to travel in Morocco. This provides:

  • Complete flexibility to fully customize your itinerary based on your interests
  • Individualized attention and support from your knowledgeable guide
  • Door-to-door transportation with a trusted driver
  • Insider tips on cultural norms, safe places to visit, and more
  • High level of service, safety, and support from start to finish

Other group tour options simply can’t match the tailored experience and peace of mind a private tour affords solo travelers.

When you book a customized private tour with us, we align every detail of your trip with your needs as a solo female traveler in Morocco. Reach out so we can craft the perfect private tour for you!

5. Top Destinations for Solo Female Travelers

While Morocco is generally safe, some cities and regions are particularly recommended for women traveling alone:


  • Popular tourist city with lots to see like Jemaa El Fna Square, souks, and gardens
  • Many hotels and Riads catering to solo female travelers
  • Can get very crowded – stick to main areas and watch for pickpockets


  • Fascinating imperial city with winding medieval lanes to explore
  • Less intense vibe than Marrakech – good for first-timers
  • Stay in smaller riads versus isolated hotels for security


  • Gateway to the Sahara with beautiful Taourirt Kasbah
  • Relaxed vibe and nice accommodation options
  • Makes a good home-base for exploring the desert


  • Idyllic blue-washed mountain village perfect for solo relaxation
  • Local men accustomed to tourists, generally respectful
  • Stay right in the main Medina for convenience

Merzouga (Sahara Desert)

  • Gateway to the majestic Sahara Desert’s epic sand dunes
  • Best seen on an organized multi-day tour for ease
  • Stay in a luxury desert camp with private en-suite tent

Let us know your interests and we will plan safe accommodations and an itinerary tailored to you as a solo female traveler.

6. Additional Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Here are some final tips to make your solo trip to Morocco as enjoyable as possible:

  • Pack conservatively – bring scarves or shawls to use as coverups when needed.
  • Be prepared to politely deflect unwanted attention from local men – don’t engage.
  • Meet up with other female travelers through apps, tours or at your accommodation.
  • Use a GPS map offline to not get lost in winding medinas.
  • Look confident walking around and be selective when asking for directions.
  • Master a few key Arabic phrases – hello, thank you, etc.
  • Carry a business card from your hotel/riad when going out alone.
  • Use a money belt under clothes for valuables. Keep some cash separate.
  • Always trust your intuition – leave situations that make you uncomfortable.

With some common sense, Morocco is an incredible destination for female travelers. Let us know if you need any other tips or have questions!

7. Morocco Offers Rich Rewards for the Solo Female Traveler

We hope this guide has provided you with helpful cultural insights, safety tips, and advice for traveling alone as a woman in Morocco. While exercising common sense, Morocco has so much beauty, history, and hospitality to offer female travelers.

The key is being respectful of local customs while also using some extra precautions as needed. Booking a private tour gives you the perfect balance of independence with guidance, transportation, and peace of mind from a reputable tour operator like us.

We completely customize your trip to align with your interests and needs as a solo female traveler. From selecting safe accommodations to providing a licensed guide, we handle every detail so you can simply immerse yourself in Morocco’s magic.

Don’t miss out on a life-changing solo adventure in this incredible destination. Contact us today to start planning your private tour and uncover the rewards of exploring Morocco as a woman!


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